You don’t have to be an expert meditator to benefit from a breathing practice! In fact, just five minutes of mindful breathing can decrease your stress and anxiety.
Continue readingCategory: Resiliency (Page 2 of 6)
Resiliency is a core area of focus in integrative wellness coaching. Stress-protective activities combat stress, increase contentment, promote relaxation, and build coping skills.
A simple 20-second technique of self-compassionate touch can decrease stress, increase self-compassion, and more! Here’s how to get started with self-compassionate touch for stress relief.
Continue readingFrustrated by your mind wandering during a breathing exercise? Try mantra breathing! It gives your brain something to focus on while you calm down your body with your breath.
Continue readingWhen we experience awe we feel grounded and calm, and research shows it can improve our well-being. Here are 8 simple practices to help you experience awe.
Continue readingIt’s helpful to have a relaxation technique that involves both breathing and visualization. Enter, Box Breathing! Try this powerful tool the next time you’re feeling stressed.
Continue readingPlaying, or making time for enjoyable activities, is often neglected as we become adults. Yet, play can improve well-being and boost resilience. Get the details on why we should all make time for fun again.
Continue readingSlow exhales are an evidence-based way to calm the body and mind. This simple straw breathing technique can help you extend your exhale and relieve stress.
Continue readingNasal breathing is an evidence-based way to decrease stress and anxiety. Give it a try with this 5-minute guided nasal breathing practice.
Continue readingA simple way to decrease our stress is to look out at the horizon or up at the sky, known as horizon gazing. When we use our panoramic or peripheral vision, it decreases activity in the brain associated with stress.
Continue readingFeeling stressed or anxious? Extended exhale breathing can provide immediate relief. Here’s how to practice and a few pointers for getting started.
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