Our brains are amazing prediction machines, but sometimes they get stuck in a stressful or anxious fight-or-flight response cycle. We can rewire our nervous systems using the simple practice of belly breathing.

If you’ve been dealing with stress or anxiety for an extended period of time, you may find yourself stuck in a fight-or-flight response pattern.

This happens because our brains are amazing prediction machines. They constantly take in information, make sense of it according to what was learned in the past, and then predict the future. This is wonderful for everyday learning.

When Predictions Go Wrong

However, modern life is full of everyday stresses. If the brain is making sense of our world in terms of these constant stress signals, our fight-or-flight response can go into overdrive. The brain anticipates threats and dangers where there may be none.

Making this worse, some of us have anxiety. So, our fight-or-flight responses are pinging all the time. It can get to a point where we feel stuck in feelings of overwhelm and anxiety because our nervous system is so overstimulated.

In other words, our brains are making sense out of these stress signals in a way that is no longer helpful.

Rewiring Through Neuroplasticity

Enter neuroplasticity. This is our brains ability to rewire, adapt, and form new neural pathways. The best part? We can facilitate this process!

An incredibly simple, yet effective way to rewire your brain and calm your stress response is to focus on your breath. Remember, your brain is taking in cues from your body and making sense of them. When we control the cues, we control the response.

Therefore, breathing is one of the simplest ways to rewire the nervous system.

On a personal note…

As a side note, I found breathing to be the number one thing that helped with my anxiety. I didn’t have to meditate for long stretches or go on a silent retreat. I started to rewire my brain with the simple practice of belly breathing. This is a foundational practice for anyone wanting to decrease stress or manage anxiety.

Shallow Breathing vs. Belly Breathing

When we are stressed, we tend to breathe up into our chests. The more stressed or anxious we get, the shallower and more rapid our breathing becomes. It’s almost like we are hyperventilating. This sends a cue to the brain that we are in danger. To counter this, practice breathing down into your belly instead.

How To Practice of Belly Breathing to Rewire Your Nervous System

  1. Place one hand on your upper chest and the other hand on your lower belly.
  2. Take slow, deep breaths.
  3. Focus on moving air into your lower abdomen so the hand on your chest stays relatively still while the hand on your belly rises and falls with each breath.
  4. Practice for 2-5 minutes several times a day.

Here are a few tips:

  • The breath should feel natural and comfortable. If it feels painful or difficult, back off and focus on subtle belly movements rather than large movements of air.
  • Rewiring the brain takes time so it’s important to think of this as a practice – something you work at consistently.
  • If you can, practice this during calm moments and in safe places. It’s harder to develop a new skill when you are already stressed and anxious.

 Small Changes, Big Transformation

This is one small change we can make to prioritize our health and build resilience. Wellness doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming. Give this practice a try this week and let me know how it goes!

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