When your daily life lacks a sense of meaning, wellbeing suffers. Writing your desired future obituary can help you refine your sense of purpose and meaning and lead you towards the path of a more fulfilling life. Here are five questions to help you get started.

Writing Your Desired Future Obituary Video

Your Desired Future Obituary Key Take-Away Points

Many of us focus on success through achievements, careers, and milestones, believing these will make us happy. Yet, they never do, and we’re left languishing.

It’s the activities that are linked with our sense of purpose and meaning that truly boost our wellbeing. But how do we define this type of success?

It can be helpful to write a desired future obituary to reveal what’s most important and provide a roadmap towards a more fulfilling path.

Here’s how to get started:

Answer these questions to write your desired future obituary:

1. What did you accomplish in your lifetime?

2. What did you most value, and how were these values reflected in your life?

3. Who was most affected by you and your work?

4. How will you be remembered?

Then consider:

5. What is one thing you can do this week to move closer to the life described in your future obituary?

Now make a commitment to go out and do it!

Helpful Links

Sense of Purpose & Meaning: A Determinant of Well-being

Atlantic Article: The New Old Age: What a new life stage can teach the rest of us about how to find meaning and purpose—before it’s too late

Small Changes, Big Transformation

Writing our obituaries is one technique we can use  to help us prioritize our health and build resilience. Wellness doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming. Give this practice a try this week and let me know how it goes!

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